Reactive access to the browser's Geolocation API.
is a reactive wrapper around the browser's Geolocation API.
Coords: { "accuracy": 0, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "altitude": null, "altitudeAccuracy": null, "heading": null, "speed": null }
Located at:
Error: null
Is Supported: false
<script lang="ts">
import { useGeolocation } from "runed";
const location = useGeolocation();
<pre>Coords: {JSON.stringify(location.coords, null, 2)}</pre>
<pre>Located at: {location.locatedAt}</pre>
<pre>Error: {JSON.stringify(location.error, null, 2)}</pre>
<pre>Is Supported: {location.isSupported}</pre>
<button onclick={location.pause} disabled={location.isPaused}>Pause</button>
<button onclick={location.resume} disabled={!location.isPaused}>Resume</button>
Type Definitions
type UseGeolocationOptions = Partial<PositionOptions> & {
* Whether to start the watcher immediately upon creation.
* If set to `false`, the watcher will only start tracking the position when `resume()` is called.
* @defaultValue true
immediate?: boolean;
type UseGeolocationReturn = {
readonly isSupported: boolean;
readonly coords: Omit<GeolocationPosition["coords"], "toJSON">;
readonly locatedAt: number | null;
readonly error: GeolocationPositionError | null;
readonly isPaused: boolean;
pause: () => void;
resume: () => void;